Across the Mediums: Silent Hill and Silent Hill Revelations

Novels and movies exchange stories all the time, whether it is a film adaptation of a book or novelization of a blockbuster. These aren’t the only mediums to share with each other however. Video games, comics, and TV shows like to get in on the action at times as well. What stories do it best, and how do you transfer a story across the mediums effectively? That’s what we’ll be looking at here.


I can see where the movie studio got the idea from. The Resident Evil series got their own movies, and Silent Hill was just as popular as the first Resident Evil, so clearly we can make a Silent Hill movie too! Well…sure, Silent Hill is certainly a kind of horror that lends itself well to film, but you gotta learn from the Resident Evil movies and stick to the source material since that’s what the fans liked. What’s that? You’re going to make the main character a woman? And change the demon-worshipping cult to crazy witch-burning Catholics? Well I guess that could work, but…why is Pyramid Head in this? He wasn’t in the first game…and you’ve made Dahlia a good mother… Hoo boy. Alright, we’ve got some work to do.

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